At Kirkpatrick Nurseries, we have 48 years experience in the horticulture
industry. We are a retail and wholesale nursery specializing in
trees and shrubs that perform well in our area. Come to the
nursery and choose plants with the help of an experienced horticulturist,
Bill Hallman or the owner, Bill Kirkpatrick. Bring photos and measurements for assistance with designing your project.
We grow
many of the plants we sell in our six
acre nursery. We specialize in unusual deciduous and evergreen
trees and shrubs. We have a variety of Japanese Maples and even
a weeping dogwood named after the nursery, Cornus
kousa 'Kirkpatrick's Weeping'. See our Plants
Page for a complete listing. We offer delivery and planting
service for your purchases. Mulch, compost, topsoil,
and woodchips are available in bulk for pickup or delivery. |
We also offer plants to:
- Provide year round
interest and fragrance
- Create a green
privacy screen
- Resist deer browsing
- Provide shade,
saving on cooling costs
- Give shelter and/or
food to wildlife
View the nursery's
Read more about the nursery on the Plants
Whether you want to beautify your property,
need help with a landscape challenge, or want to be part of the
green solution, we can help. Bill Kirkpatrick, a graduate of
Penn State's Ornamental Horticulture Program can assist you with choosing the right plants for the future well-being of yourself, your property, and your
community. Even if you can only plant one tree or create one landscape bed
now, thinking ahead ensures you will be building on what you are
doing today and not moving or undoing things in the future.
Please consider these reasons to plant trees for ours
and future
- Conserve energy
by reducing heating/cooling costs
- Increase property
- Increase oxygen,
reduce pollutants in the air
- Create privacy
and buffer noise
- Provide shade for
decks and patios
- Reduce erosion
Also, consider planting a tree as
a memorial to
a loved one. |
Follow us on:
Facebook: Kirkpatrick Nurseries, Inc. &
Instagram: @Kirkpatricknurseries
We are looking forward to
2025, Our 50th Anniversary.
We plan to resume our regular business hours beginning Monday, March 3rd.
We will begin digging here and bringing in
balled and burlaped plants
in mid to late March.
Container plants will start arriving and being brought out of the overwintering
houses in early to mid April.
Flowering trees, shade trees, evergreen trees.
Over 250 b&b trees available this Spring!
Plus thousands of container trees and shrubs.
Check out our 2025 Plant List. Stop by or call for sizes and prices. |
Protect Your Trees Now!
The bucks are ready to start rubbing the velvet off of their antlers.
The damage they do to the bark of a tree can easily kill the tree.
Mid-August through mid-January is the prime time for this.
(We have seen damage up until early April)
Wrap the trunks with solid or mesh protectors or use stakes and metal or heavy plastic fencing
that is 4' or higher to encircle the tree. Solid trunk coverings should be removed in Spring and
reapplied in August. Guards left on should be checked periodically to make sure they do not
too tight. Trees 3" in diameter or less are a prime target, but we have found any
tree could damaged. We sell plastic mesh protectors that can be left on and are not too noticeable.

Celebrating 50 years of helping to 'Green' the community.
200 varieties of trees and shrubs in stock each season.
balled and burlaped trees and shrubs
as well as container plants locally grown.
View our 2025
Plant List now.
accept Visa, Mastercard & Discover for your convenience.

Certificates are available
for the plant lover on your list.
We will resume our regular business hours beginning Monday, March 3rd.
Hours: Monday through Friday 7:30-4:00,
Saturday 9:00-4:00
hesitate to call 610-459-0339 with
We are fully insured. Insurance certificate available upon request.
Pennsylvania Home Improvement Contractor# PA055140
Click here
for directions
are a member of the |